EA Ireland


An Overview of RePower EU

  • April, 2022
  • Articles, Decarbonisation, Electrification

On the 8th of March this month, the EU launched its first communication outlining the RePower EU plan. The plan aims to make Europe independent from Russian imported fossil… Read More

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Bord na Móna Peatland Rehabilitation

  • March, 2022
  • Articles, Decarbonisation

Bord Na Móna – Peatland Rehabilitation originally published in our Industry Update newsletter on the 25th of February 2022. At the beginning of the month, Bord na Móna marked World Wetlands Day by announcing the… Read More

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Eurelectric – Letter Defending the ETS

  • March, 2022
  • Articles, Markets and Investments

Eurelectric – Letter Defending the ETS originally published in our Industry Update newsletter on February 25th 2022 Ahead of ESMA’s final report on the EU Carbon Market (which is due to be released by end… Read More

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EU Taxonomy on Natural Gas

  • March, 2022
  • Articles

EU taxonomy on Natural Gas Originally published in our 28th January 22Newsletter This week the EU College of Commissioners is expected to agree a final decision on the draft text of the EU Taxonomy complementary… Read More

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EirGrid publish Winter Outlook

  • October, 2021
  • Articles

On October 11th, EirGrid published their Winter Outlook for October 1st 2021 – April 4th 2022. For NI, EirGrid’s analysis anticipates a de-rated capacity margin range of 288MW in a low demand… Read More

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