EA Ireland


EAI Response to CRU Smart PAYG

  • May, 2021
  • Submissions

EAI welcomes the opportunity to respond to CRU’s Consultation on Smart Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG). We understand that the objective of this consultation is to inform policy decisions which need to be made… Read More

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IEA Roadmap to Net Zero

  • May, 2021
  • Articles

On Tuesday 18th of May, the IEA published their global net-zero by 2050 roadmap. The roadmap is a viable pathway that includes 400 milestones that need to be achieved to… Read More

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EAI Response to EEOS Consultation

  • April, 2021
  • Submissions

EAI welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation on the redesign of Ireland’s Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme. Energy Efficiency remains and will continue to remain one of the key… Read More

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